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- Biomimetic Dentistry, Inlays & Onlays
- Minimal Restorative Dentistry for Cracked Teeth
- Replacing Missing Teeth with Implants
- Restorative Dentistry
Biomimetic Dentistry, Inlays & Onlays
Minimal Restorative Dentistry for Cracked Teeth
Lower Molars
- Amalgam Fillings With Cracks And Sensitive To Pressure And Cold
- Crack Visualized From External Wall To Internal Aspect Towards The tooth Nerve
- Tooth Reinforced Internally With Bonded Composite Resin
- Tooth Was Protected With Minimally Invasive Coverage Inlay
Upper Teeth
- Upper Posterior Teeth With Large Amalgam Fillings And Internal Cracks
- Internal Crack Visualized With A Specific Dye Indicator
- Teeth Were Protected Internally With A Bonded Buildup
- Teeth Were Restored Externally With Minimal Invasive Bonded Onlays
- Biomimetic Restorations Preserving Tooth Structure